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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  April 19, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> thank you so much to ari fleischer, so wonderful to have you today. speak i hope it was not a sophomore slump. >> i cannot believe sean spicer took up so much of your time. unbelievable. >> good to have you, we will have you back. we will keep it right here for overtime, "happening now" now. >> jenna: fox news alert, white house briefing wrapping up and as usual covering a broad range of topics. >> jon: tensions on the korean peninsula, the house in georgia and a new build to benefit our veterans. recovering all of the news "happening now" ." >> this is a new era. this is a trump era. the lawlessness, abdication of duty to enforce our laws and the catch and release policies of the past are over. >> jon: attorney general jeff sessions sending homeland security secretary john kelly to the southern border in a first joint trip as that trump administration ramps up its crackdown on illegal immigration and the infamous ms-13 gang.
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democrats come up short in a key congressional race, failing to deliver a knockout blow. many see this race as a sign of things to come in 2018. so will the party be able to start winning again moving forward? and a horrifying shooting spree in california. three people killed and the gunman randomly shoots innocent victims. the shooter's posts on social media that are pointing to a racial motivation. it is all "happening now" ." but we begin with this fox news alert, the white house briefing wrapping up just moments ago with sean spicer fielding questions from the press corps and one-party crasher. welcome to the second hour of "happening now," i am jon scott. >> jenna: big, tall, kind of imposing. we will explain, i am sure. i'm jenna lee paired the white house press secretary saying democrats went all in on the georgia special election to replace the hhs secretary tom price and came up short peer
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many political watchers consider about a referendum on that president, so we have mixed opinions peer rehab life team coverage to update us on the race in georgia but we begin with our chief white house correspondent who was there for the surprise and everything else, john roberts. >> safe to say he did not have a bottle of fireball with him when he made his appearance at the white house today. sean spicer briefing wrapped up a few minutes ago, a lot of questions on north korea mostly wear that u.s. carl vinson is and the strike associated with the aircraft was went he said he had an armada heading to north korea paid the president said last week it was headed toward this the of japan, apparently it was still in the indian ocean engaging in exercises with the australian military. in the face of continued north korean belligerents and warnings, the vice president mike pence today aboard the other aircraft carrier headed to that region, the uss ronald reagan, the naval base just south of tokyo, the
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vice president again warning north korea not to mess with the united states, listen here. >> we will defeat any attack and meet any use of conventional or nuclear weapons with an overwhelming and effective american response. >> china now voicing concerns about the north korean nuclear program. foreign ministry spokesman telling the bbc "china expresses serious concern with recent trends about north korea's nuclear and missile development programs." at the briefing earlier today, sean spicer saying that white house is getting good cooperation from china after the presidents meeting with chinese president xi at mar-a-lago, here is sean spicer. >> the relationship that the presiden president xi down at mar-a-lago is clearly showing some positive signs. china continues to have both economic and political influence over china, and so i think it is important to see them heading in this direction. i think it's a very positive
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sign to see them play a larger and larger role. >> but the administration also turning its eyes toward iran, a letter from secretary of state rex tillerson to congress and speaker ryan saying that iran is currently in compliance with the famous iran deal, however the president has ordered an interagency review of whether sanctions could be maintained. david albright, former weapons inspector, told the weekly standard that a new centrifuge that iran appears to be developing is definitely used for only one thing, that would be the development of nuclear weapons and enron may be violating the terms of the jcp away. i asked the press secretary about that a few moments ago. as the present concern that iran may be cheating on the deal like the u.n. weapons inspector says they have a centrifuge that could be in violation? >> i think that is why he's asking for this review. if he did not. if he thought they were fine, he
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would have allowed this to move forward. i think he is doing the prudent thing by asking for a review. >> of course, president trump during the campaign pledged that he was going to renegotiate, redo the iran deal, now there is talk in washington that he may scrap it altogether. the white house was not giving on that front, they want to conduct this interagency review before making any decisions on that front. as to the interloper at the press briefing today, while sean spicer was under fire, he had a little help, rob gronkowski, the tide and for the patriots who were here today to celebrate their super bowl victory, stuck his head out from the lower press office asking if sean spicer needed any help. there he is. gronk did not play in the super bowl, he had a bad back injury, but he did party up at the parade in boston following that. we will get to the patriots from the south lawn of the white house in just a few minutes. >> jenna: we look forward to any more mischief from him, he certainly has a way appeared he might be welcome to a lot of press briefings in the future.
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i'm just saying, i don't know. >> he does have a little notoriety as a mischief man. >> jenna: never a bad thing. >> jon: i'm surprised his guys could squeeze into that room. >> jenna: you think this was set up? seriously, where's the security? >> what i will tell you is one of the deputy press secretaries came out about 3 minutes prior to that with a note to sean spicer, put a dent in front of him at the podium, then that ensued so i assume, i did not see the note, but i assume it said "gronk is waiting in the lower press office to come out between questions." >> jenna: likely you got your question in, it was a significant one and there was news in the press briefing but nice to have a little laugh. thank you very much, we appreciate it. >> jon: attorney general jeff sessions joining us in the first hour of "happening now" to discuss his trip to the border tomorrow with homeland security second john kelly. the attorney general telling us he is confident the president's
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immigration policies will lead to a safer america. >> president trump, he sent a clear message which i have been pleading for for years, please don't come to our country unlawfully, applied properly and wait your turn. that is what a legal system is about. he is committed to that. he's unleashed the homeland security team, our border patrol, general kelly so ably leads, and we are going to back them up with the federal department of justice, attorneys and our staff and agents. the border wall needs to move rapidly. it will be the final affirmation that the illegality is over. it will multiply many times the effectiveness of our border patrol officers and actually allow us -- when you have fewer people enter, then you have fewer people to detain, fewer people to lock up, fewer people bringing in human beings, fewer people dealing and drugs.
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>> jon: the attorney general and an interview just a short time ago. kaitlyn is a national political reporter from real clear politics, david is a politics writer for "u.s. news & world report." he says it is a new era when it comes to immigration law and enforcement, is it? >> i definitely think it is. given statistics we have seen since these crackdowns, border crossings are way down along the southern border. i think there are two goals here. there is a rhetorical goal. i think you have the president but also sessions and kelly sending a message, saying it is not good to come here, you will be arrested, you will be deported. then there is the proactive piece of this which is actively seeking out people and removing them and trying to remove them. i guess the question comes, what are the parameters of this? when they say illegal activity, are they just targeting people in the country, people who come to the country illegally, or are
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they going to prioritize like the president said during the campaign, which is a major criminal, felons, people who have committed horrendous acts of crime? i think that is where you get into where local authorities are little bit confused on where their priorities are going to be. >> jon: it is a real change in priority from the obama administration. then attorney general eric holder would actually file suit against states that were trying to do more to enforce immigration laws. this is a 180-degree turn about. >> what i think is really interesting here is there is a lot of talk about this administration not following through on a lot of campaign pledges, actually the president backtracking on several different policy items from nato to china, et cetera, but on immigration, the president and this administration have really largely stick to what it said it would do. i do think to david's point about parameters, i think it is
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really striking the deportation, first deportation of a young person who was under that dac a program deported, the initiation has to answer for that. now sessions took a very hard line and tone when it came to that policy, but president trump has talked about taking a softer tone, talking about hard, so there's a lot of questions about young people here that we call "dreamers" of what happens to them. i think you heard sessions in that interview, they are trying to draw a pretty hard line, as he has for a while. it's important to note that on immigration, the administration has a lot of latitude. we are seeing the attorney general make a lot of moves here. >> jon: he's going to be heading to the border obviously with the secretary of homeland security, chief john kelly. secretary kelly had this to say while making some remarks at george washington university, listen.
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>> if lawmakers do not like the laws that we enforce, that we are charged to enforce, that we are sworn to enforce, then they should have the courage and that skill to change those laws. otherwise, they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines. >> jon: pretty tough language they are, david, from a former military man. >> pretty blunt. i think going back to caitlin's point on daca which involves children brought to the country illegally, remember, the president during the campaign said that he was going to roll that back. now as president, he said he's not going to act on that. i think that is going to be the big question going forward. there is the case that caitlin referred to that there was a daca removal, the homeland security department is coming out and saying, no, he was not covered under that program, so they are getting these cases popping up. rhetorically, it's also very important for sessions and kelly and the administration to talk about the border because the
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other two big pieces of this administration's immigration plan have really fallen flat. it doesn't look like they are going to get the funding from congress for the wall, at least this year. the other part, which was the travel ban, has been thrown out of court twice. >> jon: david, u.s. news, caitlin from real clear politics. thank you both. >> jenna: fox news alert, breaking news, second night in a row, russia flying to long-range bombers within miles of alaska. national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the breaking details from the pentagon. >> yes, fox news has just learned it is the second night in a row that russia flew to long-range bombers off the coast of alaska. this time, coming within 36 miles of the mainland of alaska, flying north of the aleutian islands. the two nuclear capable 95h bombers were spotted by u.s. military radar at 9:00 p.m. eastern, about 5:00 p.m. local time.
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unlike a similar incident monday night, this time the u.s. air force did not scramble any fighter jets. instead, he lashed a single e3 sentry early warning aircraft to make sure that there were only the two russian bear bombers flying near alaska and not flying underneath the large bombers. what is notable as this is the second night in a row. yesterday it was reported that to bear bombers had come within 100 miles of the kodiak island in alaska. this used to be commonplace during the cold war, but what is notable is his last two nights is the first time under the trump presidency that the russians have tested the response of the u.s. air force from the first night, the f-22 were scrambled to intercede and they were intercepted before they were turned back to russia. >> jenna: interesting, wonder what this is all about. we'll be asking that question
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throughout our program, thank you. >> jon: the vice president issues a strong warning to north korea during a visit to japan. our next guest assessed tough talk from the trump administration is what is needed to keep the rogue nation in line. and the trump administration also reaching out to saudi arabia, hoping to strengthen relations with a key ally in the arab world.
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>> the united states of america will always seek peace, but under president trump, the shield stands guard. the sword stands ready. >> jenna: there is vice president pence with an almost poetic warning really for north korea today, some of the speeches we've been monitoring for overseas. he is speaking there on the uss ronald reagan in tokyo before heading to indonesia. rogue nation is a hot topic on his trip to asia, obviously, in the united states administration is standing strong against the
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blustering camera gm but how did tensions escalate to where they are today? we will take you back to the 1990s. they axley had a deal called the agreed framework that incentivized north korea to stop pursuing nuclear weapons in exchange for normalized relations with the u.s. but after almost a decade, the country withdrew from the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, scraping that agreement and 2006, that country inducted the first five nuclear test, the last of which was last september. those were followed by last month's ballistic test into the sea of japan and this past weekend, the sixth nuclear test and another missile launch test, this one exploding after launch. for more on this, i am joined by anthony, senior fellow at the patient for defense of democracy where this is his area of expertise. so here we fast-forward to today, what do you think we should have learned over the years as far as what is effective and ineffective for dealing with north korea? >> over that timeline, they have
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been four nuclear deals with north korea, in north korea has violated every single one of them. the last one in the obama administration in 2012 only lasted two weeks before north korea threw it in a trashcan. the '94 deal where you started the timeline, they violated that deal by creating another path to uranium enrichment for their nuclear weapons. it is clear that a freeze or negotiation with north korea right now is not going to work. >> jenna: what options do we have? >> the options we have are trump is using the military rhetoric and moving the carrier to the region. i think those are strong moves. i think they are designed to get china, compelled china to do more with north korea and to deter north korea from attacking south korea. i think people forget that it was only a couple years ago where the two koreas exchanged fire. it was only seven years ago when north korea sunk south korea military vessel.
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>> jenna: are we on the right path from what you are seeing over the last 7-10 days? >> i think we are. in discussions with folks in the administration, it sounds like they are taking the right path. they are saying that china is going to do something, but they are not going to hold -- not going to wait for china. they are basically saying, it is time to act. if you don't act, we are going to act. >> jenna: what does that mean exactly? i think a lot of our viewers are thinking, what exactly are we saying, able and willing to do? >> sure, they can be unilateral with other countries, i think the united states could act against chinese banks and companies that are aiding north korea's sanctions evasion. they could go to countries that are doing operations with north korea and say, either you can stop this or we are going to sanction you. these military moves are part of that, too. >> jenna: we will see what happens next. good to have you on the program
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again, thank you. >> jon: we are waiting for an update on the recovery of former president george h.w. bush. the former president back in a houston hospital, battling a mild case of pneumonia, we are told. the latest from his doctors ahead. plus, close but no cigar for democrats who hoped to pick off a congressional seat in georgia that's been in republican hands for decades. so what is the next step for the party trying to end their losing streak? what a member of the party says it will take up next.
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>> jenna: president george h.w. bush is said to be in the hospital after he recovers from a mild case of pneumonia, the president back in hospital in houston, spokesman says he was admitted friy
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after coughing fits that kept him from getting any rest appeared he's being held for observation while he regains his strength with the mic with his wife barbara by his side. >> jon: democrats come up short and a special election to flip a congressional seat in georgia after losing another house race they came close to winning in kansas. a headline on "politico" today said "democrats begin to wonder when do we win?" the subtitle for that article reads "for all of the roiling anger and energy of the grassroots, the party still fell short in georgia and kansas and democratic prospects in the upcoming elections are not promising" peer joining is now, scott jennings, former special assistant to president george w. bush and former advisor to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. also with us, isaac, former executive director for the 2016 principal proclaimed in super-pac called correct the record. isaac, i want to start with you. do you agree with the premise of
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that "political" headline first of all? speak i think the premise is a little bit off in the fact that there are two strong messages coming out of last night's election results. one for democrats and one for republicans. republicans to be aware of trump and the impact of what he is having on congressional races, that safe republican seats are now in jeopardy, they are expensive to hold, karen handel who won last night from the republican perspective, and coming out of the republican side actually did show by running away from trump and the people who do the worst were the ones that ran toward trump. for democrats, there is a here that we need to be concise about our message, we need to consolidate around strong message of who we are as a party. not just when elections are at hand, but year round. 365 days a year. so that we are prepared in the northern suburbs of atlanta in georgia, in kansas for when the
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opportunity arises. >> jon: scott, jon ossoff, the democratic candidate who did not win the majority in last night's election, says he won a moral victory. >> what is amazing about moral victories, i did some statistical analysis this morning. exactly zero members of congress won their seat and a moral victory. about 435 at their seats in an actual victory where they got more votes than the other candidate in the final election. so moral victories are their participation ribbon of politics. sure they look great on your coach, but it's not going to get you a voting card in washington, d.c. i feel about these special elections in georgia and kansas the way the great frank robinson felt about baseball. he said close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. in this case, the democrats got close but still came up short despite the fact that they had a crushing amount of money in georgia. must be demoralizing to spend well over $8 million and come up short. >> are you kidding quick snack democrats have twice as many votes for their leading
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candidate as republicans did for theirs. she had to run away from a sitting president just to be competitive after republicans spent millions upon civilians to try to bail out that primary. >> jon: there were 11 republican candidates in the race splitting the vote. you do have that. isaac come you have suggested that democrats should not focus so much on these special elections and run a year-round campaign. >> that is right. democrats have since trump took office, made progress and things like state legislative races around the country, special elections. democrats have to make the move to consolidate around the message of who we are as a party. we are a party that believes in an honest days work for an honest days pay, and that every american should have the right to live up to their god-given potential. all people should be treated equally under the law. the principles of our party need to be on display around the country in all 50 states year-round so that we have the
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opportunity to make these kinds of campaigns work. >> jon: scott, was this an anti-trump votes, anti-trump election result? >> i don't think so. as you pointed out, there were multiple republicans in the race, now you have one democrat versus one republican. for all the money spent, democrats in this race just slightly better than hillary clinton did and obviously the turnout for a special election is different than it is in a presidential race. i think at the end of the day, democrats have a message problem. hillary clinton had a message problem in that she really didn't have one. i'm not certain that actually changed since november. the democratic party is full of rage and celebrities that have money to send to all these candidates around the country, but the one thing you have to have to win and election is a forward-looking message. if you entrust me with this office, what am i going to do with it? it's by hillary clinton lost, why democrats are losing special elections and until they come up with some sort of governing message, they are going to continue to lose elections and frankly, despite what you read in the mainstream media these days, i think donald trump is
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off to a strong start, and i do think he's going to be a big problem for republicans in the special election we have upcoming in the next few months. >> republicans have a trump problem, let's keep in mind that the canada amongst those 11 republicans who ran the strongest and closest to president trump was coming in nearly last. it was the candidate from the republicans who got only half as many votes, actually less than half as many as the democrat, who came in first amongst republicans ran away from president trump and against 100 days of failure since he has been in office. >> that's an exaggeration. >> they dumped millions into safe seats, states like the one they held and the northern suburbs of atlanta since 1979 to try to keep those seats going forward in the fall when they are up across the country, that's going to be a mathematical problem for the g.o.p. budget that trump causes. >> jon: democrats did spend more on one candidate than republicans spent on 11. quick final thought, scott. >> i think it's an exaggeration to say karen handel ran away from trump, she was also the
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most well-known candidate in the race by some measurement. the democrats spent well over $8 million and when the final tally comes in he could be more to win this race. if you were to extrapolate that you all the races they need to win in november, they would have to wrap four times to even sniff a congressional majority. i think this is not really that encouraging for democrats. i admit there will be competitive races out there, but they are not over the hump yet and it is largely because they have no message. >> jon: we will see what happens in june when these two go go head-to-head. scott jennings, isaac, thank you both. gronk secretary of defense jim mattis heads to saudi arabia to meet with an old friend who just happens to be the king of saudi arabia, we get into that and also retracing the final moments of the facebook killer, how a quick thinking mcdonald's worker helped to end a nationwide hunt. we are going to talk to the owner of the mcdonald's that was there on the phone, next.
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>> jon: justin, secretary of state rex tillerson just wrapped up speaking at the u.s. saudi ceo summit today as the trump administration reaches out to saudi arabia. second tillerson discussing ways to strengthen the economic partnership between our two countries. this s defense secretary james mattis is actually in the kingdom reaffirming our military partnerships and meeting with the saudi king. rich edson is following all of this from the state department. >> good afternoon. secretary of state rex tillerson in those remarks at the u.s.
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chamber of commerce says that saudi businesses always have a friend in the united states government looking to facilitate any type of economic relationships between u.s. businesses, the saudi government and saudi businesses. this is a topic the secretary of state is very familiar with pete his previous job as ceo of exxonmobil where he built substantial ties to the saudi government, but with the secretary of state come his job has taken on a more security relationship role between the saudis and the united states, partnering on a host of issues whether it is the fight against isis, the future of the leadership in syria, trying to find a way to push out president assad there, or fighting in yemen which is on the saudi arabian southern border or countering a bond which is really the major issue certainly in the eyes of the saudi government. when you look at where the context comes from that, previous administrations signed the iran nuclear deal in 2015. just yesterday, secretary of state rex tillerson sent a
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letter to house speaker paul ryan, certifying that iran is living up to its commitments under that deal. however, according to that letter, the secretary also writes "president donald j trump has directed in national security council led interagency review of the joint conference of plan of action" prevents with the iran nuclear deal is called. "to evaluate whether suspension of sentience related to iran pursuant to the agreement is vital to the security interest of the united states and once it is completed, the administration looks forward to working with congress on the issue." this trump emaciation has already implement it additional sanctions against iran not in relation to those that were relieved as part of the iran nuclear deal but separate sanctions for what the administration is saying is iran's continued support for extremism around the world. this is the secretary of defense jim mattis who says that u.s. is reinforcing saudi arabia's resistance to iran's mischief here. the backdrop to all of this and the question is how much the
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u.s. government under this administration is going to push our allies or the u.s. allies, saudi arabia, on issues when it pertains to human rights in that country? a number of different issues ongoing, certainly in relationship with the united states and saudi arabia as it plays throughout the region throughout the middle east. >> jon: interesting times they are at the state department where you are, thank you. >> law enforcement and definitely think you to the people around the country that called in again, almost 400 tips on this that we had to follow up on. that just shows the vigilance of the people in this country. >> jenna: it was one tip that led to the end of all this. cleveland police chief on the nationwide manhunt for the facebook killer that ended in pennsylvania went steve stephens shot and killed himself yesterday after a brief pursuit. the tip that led police to stevens came from a sharp eyed mcdonald's worker who recognized him at the drive through and called 911.
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the restaurant owner was there and says he tried to stall stephen by making him wait a little bit for his order and we are joint on the fund by the owner of that mcdonald's, tom ducharme. as you were telling me during the break, you are usually working with your workers at this mcdonald's, you love your job, then this happens yesterday morning. so walk us through what happene happened. >> it was just getting ready for lunch hour just like every day. my back drive-thru person thought she i.d. the man when he came to the window. the odd thing about it was he handed her money through the drive through line, must know how it goes, there's the first window than the second window, and he did not want change. she thought she recognized him from the television and everything that had been percolating in this area about him, and as she looked back through the window, she noticed there was a white ford fusion,
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ohio tags on it, she immediately grabbed her phone and started calling the police while she was calling them, she yelled out to me that she wanted me to double check because she thinks he is in the drive-thru. when i looked out the a lot like went with the phone call from there. >> jenna: did you exchange any words with him? >> what i did was my front drive-thru employee, i had her step aside, and myself and my supervisor approached the window, and my supervisor actually was the one that talked with him for a second and we said that his fries would be up in a minute if he would not mind waiting. then he got a little -- looks to be agitated and said, i cannot wait for my fries, i have to go. >> jenna: interesting pair in my heart is racing a little bit hearing about this because we dd someone and he is armed and dangerous, so was there a moment there that you thought, wait a minute, this could really be a
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bad situation? >> to be honest with you, i did not even think about it at that time. i thought from the standpoint of getting the young lady out of the drive-thru window just in case anything was going on. i just wanted to make sure that the employee that was in the back actually got through to the police while he was still on my parking lot. that is basically my thought process. as with everything you do, when you look back after things happen, maybe i should have done something different. >> jenna: you are trying to do good. that is the bottom line, you guys were trying to help because we know this guys on the loose, could be really dangerous appeared how quickly did police show up after your employee made the phone call? >> i will tell you that he was probably at my front window waiting for his food for probably 15-25 seconds before he decided it was too long. he grabbed his chicken
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mcnuggets that he bought and once his car hit buffalo road right out here in front of my restaurant, he turned right, there was a state trooper right behind him right when he got on the road. they were here immediately. >> jenna: how soon did you all find out that you were a part of solving this case? >> that took a little bit longer because, of course, after something like that happened, we were like, we hope it was the guy. we hope we i.d. to him correctly or made some and have bad day. we know about 25 minutes after the phone call was made that it haens down the road. it was not too long. >> jenna: and reflection, when you think about that with your employees, what is their pervading thought process, thinking about the last 24 hour 24 hours? >> everyone in the restaurant is doing well. i showed up really early this morning to make sure everybody was good, but overall, i think we are very proud of how we
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handled it. we are very proud of the pennsylvania state police for being there so quickly, and of course, all of our thoughts and prayers in the restaurant for all of the families that have been affected by this. it was just surreal -- i never thought my day would end up like that, neither did them, it did. >> jenna: well said, i am short on time but want to get this and peered where exactly is it your mcdonald's? if we are in the area, our viewers want to make sure we stop by to support the business. >> absolutely. this restaurant is located on buffalo road and harbor creek township, erie, pennsylvania. >> jenna: great to have you on the program, we really appreciate that storytelling and having a better understanding about what happened in one of the big stories of the week. congratulations to you and your team, sounds great team you have, thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> jon: quick thinking heroes. some new details on a deadly shooting spree in fresno, california. what authorities are saying now about the suspects motivations
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after revealing that he shouted "allahu akbar" and said he wanted to kill as many white people as possible. >> the fbi will assist in the investigation and will not rule out anything until there is a thorough investigation that has been completed. if you total you, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. it's good to be in (good hands).
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>> jon: right now, fresno police say a shooting rampage that left three people that had nothing to do with terrorism despite the gunmen shouting "allahu akbar" as he was arrested. senior correspondent adam housley live from fresno with more. >> detectives here in fresno say that kori ali muhammad was simply motivated by hate, and that motivation actually began a long time ago online, but it started more seriously last thursday when they say he shot and killed a security guard here in the fresno area at a motel six. at that point, the hunt was on for mohammed, authorities said they had him on video at that location, that is why they narrowed it down to him.
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at least at some point, the lead dried up, the information dried up, that is when they decided to go public with the search, and that is when mohamed decided to kill white people at two points yesterday after he was taken into custody, they said he didn't yell "allahu akbar" which can be associated with terror attacks, but the chief of fresno police said that the alleged murder spree was not about religion or terrorism, it was about race. >> he did clarify that the reason he had made that statement in the event it was not the anything happened to him, he was pledging his allegiance to god for protectio protection. >> again, four people killed, three of them shot yesterday, first when a father of two who works for the power company in the area, pgn e who was sitting in a work truck with a coworker when muhammad walked up and shot him, sitting in the truck unharmed, then two more unarmed men walking near catholic charities were shot, one had just got some groceries from the
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catholic charities location, then of course the security guard last thursday, so four all told were killed. all four were unarmed, all four were white. detectives say all four were targeted because they were right. muhammad is in the jail in fresno. we do expect him to face charges at some point this week, and it is believed to be four counts of murder among others. as you might imagine, fresno still reeling a bit from this, people of course very heartbroken in this town, the mayor talked about it yesterday, saying basically that there is a lot more good done here than the bad that was done by this man. >> jon: heartbreaking story. adam housley, thank you. >> jenna: republicans and one state accusing democrats of protecting violent illegal immigrants at the expense of innocent americans. the latest in the fight over sanctuary statehood next. umbrellas!!
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you need one of these. you wouldn't put up with an umbrella that covers you part way, so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. tell you what, i'll give it to you for half off. hi dad. no. edon't try to get up. hi, i'm julie, a right at home caregiver. and if i'd been caring for tom's dad, i would have noticed some dizziness that could lead to balance issues. that's because i'm trained to report any changes in behavior, no matter how small, so tom could have peace of mind. we'll be right there. we have to go. hey, tom. you should try right at home. they're great for us. the right care. right at home.
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>> hello everyone, i am sandra smith. for a second consecutive night, we are learning that russian bombers are flying incredibly close to alaska. what is happening there? plus where in the world is the uss carl vinson? some mixed messaging from the administration about that and what its role is with north korea. and president trump welcoming the welcoming the new england patriots to the white house and the news of the death of aaron hernandez. all that and more on "america's newsroom hq" ." >> jenna: big battle brewing in california. democratic lawmakers are looking to make the entire state a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants, but republicans are fighting back with their own legislation they say makes protecting americans the top priority. william la jeunesse joins us from los angeles with more. >> you know if that person is here illegally, the trump
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administration considers them eligible for deportation. california democrats say they want the right to decide as a sanctuary state who goes and who stays including, according to victims, criminal aliens. >> this is my son. i miss his smile every day. he would never tell me happy mother's day. >> victims of illegal criminal immigrants in california are fighting back. >> i do not want another family member to have to live the hill and pain and suffering that i live with every day. >> that is why tuesday, republican lawmakers introduced a bill to stop california from becoming a safe haven for criminal aliens. >> first, it would stop state funds from entering any jurisdiction that claims to be a sanctuary or has a sanctuary policies in place. secondly, it would direct california's law enforcement to cooperate directly with federal immigration officials. >> draconian immigration policies do not work. >> the bill captures democrat
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attempts to protect all illegal immigrants including violent felons. >> child abusers, drug dealers, stockers, people convicted of sexual battery. >> today we announce the launch of a timely dollar l.a. justice fund. >> that fund uses taxpayer money to defend criminal aliens. the bill would stop that expenditure not and just in l.a. and san francisco but the state as well. >> we will not tolerate it. we have lived by one rule of law. we pay our taxes for the constitution to be covered. >> >> so the bill died yesterdan committee, no surprise, republicans are powerless in sacramento. they say this was more about influencing public opinion and getting washington's attention to decide who among the nations 11 million illegal immigrants is sent home. more to come. >> jenna: interesting debate, thank you. >> jon: "ice ice baby" takes
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on a new meaning for one town. a large ice iceberg is floating close by, we will tell you next in the "final 30." ♪ ♪ (vo) love.
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i got it. i gotcha baby. (vo) it's being there when you're needed most. love is knowing...
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he's the one. (vo) was meant to be. and love always keeps you safe. we're fine. (vo) love is why we built a car you can trust. now and for a long time to come. the all-new subaru impreza sedan and five-door. a car you can love no matter what road you're on. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. >> jon: time for our "final 30" and a cool visitor hanging around off the coast of a canadian town. tourists are flocking to see this enormous iceberg.
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>> jenna: it's estimated to measure 150 feet at its highest point. icebergs are no stranger to these parts. the area is known as iceberg alley. >> jon: so far the number of icebergs moving into the shipping lanes off newfoundland has spiked forcing ships to either slow down or take a detour. given what happened to the titanic, that would probably be a good idea. >> jenna: iceberg alley, who knew? now you do. >> jon: pretty pictures though. thanks for joining us. >> sandra: fox news alert. russian bombers encroaching on american soil for the second time in as many days. hello, everyone, i'm sandra smith. the russians flying two so-called bear bombers along the coast of alaska. this comes after the military scrambled two fighter jets just yesterday who flew alongside the russian planes. we've got team fox coverage. john roberts. but


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